Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative Identity Disorder There are different forms of identity disorder or personality disorder. One of the most prominent ones is dissocial personality disorder. This occurs in the common form of split personality identity disorder. This is also known as disambiguation. This form of identity disorder brings a dual sided or multiple sided personality in one Read more


Diseases of the Pancreas

Pancreas is nothing but a large elongated exocrine gland that located behind the stomach and is responsible for the secretion of pancreatic juice and insulin. The major diseases of the pancreas include the pancreatitis and the cancer of the pancreas. Pancreatitis This is a disorder that causes the inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis is caused Read more


Medical Procedures for Snoring

Snoring can be a serious problem for some sleepers as well as their partners. Typically, most insurance companies will not cover medical procedures to help people stop snoring. These are almost always considered elective. However, anyone who has to deal with a snorer would disagree wholeheartedly! Generally surgical procedures for snoring are only considered in Read more


Mineral and Vitamin Supplements

Both minerals and vitamins are found in a variety of natural produce including the likes of seeds, leafy green vegetables and nuts. If you posses a calcium deficiency then look to introducing both broccoli and milk to your current diet as each of the above offer the greatest sources of the vitamin. However, if you Read more


Signs of Diabetes in Women

Signs of Diabetes in Women Women, after their middle ages, seem to get diabetes quite a lot. Diabetes affects the heart and the brain. It does affect the central nervous system with several gynecological problems coming along with it. There are ways to control diabetes early. This can happen with proper exercise, dieting, taking care Read more


Hazards with Health Insurance

Health Insurance Racket Most of the insurance companies like CIGNA Corp make a lot of money out of duping people in the name of health insurance. There are patients with cancer, heart disease, emergency accidents and various other diseases that require high medical attention as well as covering charges who are left dying without any Read more


Celiac disease

Gone are those days when studies and other experts said that Celiac Disease was a rare disorder. Also referred to as CD, this disease is characterized by digestive system malfunctioning caused by the intolerance to a protein called gluten. A recent study on health care has just reported that this disorder is becoming more common Read more


Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Safer Than Traditional HRT?

Bioidentical hormone therapy is a form of hormone replacement therapy used to treat symptoms of hormone deficiencies and menopause. It is considered a natural hormone replacement therapy because it utilizes hormones that are biochemically identical to the human body’s own hormones. Conventional hormone replacement therapy uses synthetic hormones that are not identical to the human Read more


The Right Urinary Incontinence Solution

Urinary incontinence can be a struggle, there is no denying that.  However, if you are one of the 25 million+ people who are dealing with this common condition, you can take comfort in the fact that you are definitely not alone.  There are plenty of ways to manage incontinence effectively, often allowing you to live Read more


The Perfect Table For The Perfect Massage

Without a comfortable table to relax on, a massage will never be successful, and your clients will be fussing and fidgeting throughout, trying to get comfortable, and ruining the massage in the process. At Massage Warehouse, there are several dozen brands, sizes, colors, and styles of massage tables to choose from, so you can guarantee Read more