Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

Asthma Tendency May Get Worse in Case of Daily Inhalers

Among some of the opposite reactions caused by medicinal cures dependency has been one of the most common problems. This has been observed among young asthma patients who have been daily inhalers. These children may in fact never get cured of asthma as the components in the inhalers make them dependent for life. It is like a crutch that never allows one to walk but entraps the user in a vicious cycle of dependent syndrome.

Asthma Tendency

Medically this comes as a process of getting asthma worse in children. Daily usage of some of the most popularly supposedly asthma curing, inhaling substances will in fact never free the user from the usage. The problems with these types of medicines include that they never address the root problems of the disease only suppressing the mere cause. Soon enough immune system may develop against the very substance use and although relief may come for the time being it would not be easy to release the abnormality for certain.

Many children in the US and from around the world suffer from chronic asthma. The rates of children suffering have in fact gone higher. The studies warn that parents have to be more concerned with their children’s frequent use of inhalers than with the very disease of asthma itself. More often than not holistic treatments and curing of the roots of the allergy systems can cure asthma rather than the use of inhalers.

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
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